Mats E. Jonsson
Lawyer, CEO
Tel: +46 (0)73 383 96 20
Skype: matserling9jonsson
Mats E Jonsson has eleven years’ experience as a company lawyer and entrepreneur within IT and telecoms, including as one of the founders of the hard- and software company PacketFront and Massolit Förlag, as well as chief legal officer at Tele2 Sverige. These experiences have given Mats great legal and commercial breadth and knowledge, along with a capacity to understand the client company’s challenges and needs.
During his years as a company lawyer, Mats has led the conveyancing of companies and offices in the EU, Asia and the USA, as well as contractual negotiations in a large number of countries. Mats has worked both with companies’ purchasing and sales departments and thus has great experience of both procurement and purchasing of key components, manufacturing, development services, licences and support on the one hand, and sales of products and services, contracting retailers, partners and agents on the other.
Mats is currently assisting a number of incubators, as well as a large number of start-up and entrepreneurial companies, preferably development companies within hardware- and software development, IoT, SaaS services, medical technology and renewable energy, with the client companies’ legal matters and also acts as business support for the company management and owners. Many of the companies were founded by researchers and/or on inventions or other research findings. The work includes just about all legal matters encountered by companies under development and expansion, often starting with shareholders’ agreement, financing agreement, employment contracts, company law matters, e.g. flotations, production of standard agreement, such as sales- and purchase terms as well as matters and negotiations in connection with foreign expansion.
Mats assists a number of restaurants and IT consultancies, and also works with building and construction matters, commercial tenant’s rights and real estate-related law, labor law, law of torts and lawsuits.
Professional background
2016 – Advokatfirman Vangard AB, founder
2014 – Skarp Stockholm Advokatbyrå
2012 – 2014 NBW Advokatbyrå and self-employment
2011 – 2012 Solarus Sunpower Sweden
2010 – 2011 Tele2 Sverige
2010 – Massolit Förlag (now a part of Storytel), co-founder
2002 – 2010 PacketFront, co-founder
2000 – 2002 Bredbandsbolaget
1998 – 2000 Advokatfirman Bergling & Partners
1993 – 1998 Advokatfirman Nils Nyberg
1991 – 1993 Law clerk, Handen district court
Bachelor of Law, Stockholm University.
Swedish, English
Membership etc.
Swedish Bar Association 1996 – 2000 and since 2012.